Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting

Outcome Monitoring

The Catchment and Land Protection Act 1994 requires CMAs to identify procedures for monitoring the implementation of their Regional Catchment Strategy (RCS). An Outcomes Framework has been developed, providing a consistent approach to monitoring and reporting on the implementation of RCSs across Victoria’s 10 catchment management regions.

The framework identifies a set of standard indicators that align with Victorian Government and Australian Government policies, thereby improving the way RCSs reinforce, promote and support government policy and objectives. While the Outcomes Framework primarily applies to the regional outcomes in the RCS to enable a more consistent approach to monitoring and reporting, they may also apply to relevant outcomes at the landscape system scale. Additional outcome indicators specific to the remaining landscape system outcomes will also be included in the Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Plan for this RCS.

The outcome monitoring is supported by other qualitative and quantitative evidence to inform the various stages of review.

Evaluation and reporting

Progress against RCS implementation will be monitored with implementation partners annually and reported to community and stakeholders in accordance with the Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Plan. The annual review process will provide incremental learning and enable collaborative decisions on project design, delivery and practice.

A mid-term and final review of the RCS will also provide robust processes to measure progress towards the RCS outcomes. These review processes will focus on changes that maybe required in strategies to address the outcomes.

The diagram below reflects the different review stages and their focus over the life of the RCS.

Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Learning Plan

The Catchment Condition report section of the 2022 – 23 Annual Report can be found here.

Outcomes Monitoring Framework