
The Corangamite region provides a variety of options for prospective investors to resource projects that meet their various needs. The basis for this prospectus is to identify potential projects that are currently unfunded through existing programs. The Corangamite Regional Catchment Strategy renewal process and its associated on-going delivery plans identify where investment would enhance the delivery of the desired outcomes at a regional, landscape or property level.

An aim of this prospectus is to strengthen the role of the RCS as a conduit for substantial regional partner, Australian Government, private sector and philanthropic funding being secured for the integrated catchment priorities of the Corangamite region.

Investment Principles

This is the region’s fourth Regional Catchment Strategy (RCS), building on 20 years of achievements and lessons learnt and was renewed using the following principles: 

  • An integrated catchment management (ICM) approach. 
  • Regional ownership – embracing the regional delivery model, including co-delivery from committed partners. 
  • Blending of a systems approach with asset based approach that enables the management at a local scale through the use of systems, while assessing assets and their management contribution to policy and strategies at a regional scale. 
  • Built on strong community engagement and stakeholders partnerships. 
  • Regard for Aboriginal cultural values and traditional ecological knowledge. 
  • Triple bottom line approach considering socio-cultural, economic and environmental factors. 
  • Evidence-based, supported by best available information via science and defendable data sources as well as application of relevant planning, implementation and delivery systems  

When making decisions on how best to invest in projects that will contribute to the RCS the following principles will guide the decision-making process:

  • Contribution to the RCS outcomes – the work to be undertaken can demonstrate how it will contribute to RCS outcomes. 
  • Public benefit –activities are considered to provide a significant public outcome, which would not occur otherwise 
  • Efficiency – targets activities for maximum return on investment and encourage projects to leverage other sources of funding to capitalise on opportunities and strengthen community buy-in. 
  • Collaboration –promotes effective collaboration between landholders, communities, traditional owners, delivery partners, stakeholders, and agencies, to harness their knowledge and energy 
  • Integration – has the potential to integrate natural resource management planning and delivery across Landscape Systems, issues, industry sectors and government agencies, to provide community and environmental benefits. 
  • Adaptive management – builds upon past success, along with opportunities for learning and informing processes that support future investment decisions.  
  • Regional coordination/delivery – organises project delivery at the regional scale to ensure effective regional level outcomes that contribute to state-wide outcomes.  
  • Accountability – can clearly demonstrate management systems, governance models and ethical practices 

The following table lists proposed projects seeking funding within the Corangamite region.

Project nameProponentTheme(s)DescriptionLandscape SystemFull DetailsLink to map
1Seeding the Victorian Volcanic PlainsCorangamite Catchment Management AuthorityBiodiversity2-part private land stewardship program building on the strengths of GEW Stewardship Program (2020-2023) and establishing a new Natural Temperate Grasslands and Seasonal Herbaceous Wetlands Stewardship Program.Basalt PlainsLink to descriptionview on map
2Increasing ecological services at Serendip, You Yangs and the Brisbane Ranges.Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action.BiodiversityImprove the value of low biodiversity function plantings by significantly modifying the native plantations to reflect appropriate Ecological Vegetation Class structures, species compositions and adding wildlife corridors.Basalt Plainsview on map
3Linear Reserve Program – ExtensionCorangamite Catchment Management AuthorityBiodiversityContinue Linear Reserves partnership to protect critically endangered species of the Victorian Volcanic Plains on roadsides, rail reserves and cemeteries.Basalt PlainsLink to descriptionview on map
4Protecting Yarra Pygmy Perch and Growling Grass Frog Habitat – EastCorangamite Catchment Management AuthorityBiodiversityFence and revegetate sections of the Victorian Volcanic Plain / waterway interface to protect Yarra Pygmy Perch and Growling Grass Frog habitat.Basalt Plainsview on map
5Protecting Yarra Pygmy Perch and Growling Grass Frog Habitat – WestCorangamite Catchment Management AuthorityBiodiversityProtecting known habitat of Yarra Pygmy Perch and Growling Grass Frog and threatened grassland communitiesBasalt Plainsview on map
6Corangamite Fishway Program – Barwon/MooraboolCorangamite Catchment Management AuthorityWater
Instream barrier prioritisation for stream connectivityBarwon Plain, Geelong City, Basalt Plainsview on map
7Sparrovale Revegetation Phase 2aCity of Greater GeelongBiodiversityRevegetating grassy woodland EVCBellarine & Surf Coastview on map
8Sparrovale Revegetation Phase 2bCity of Greater GeelongBiodiversityRevegetating old fill site with native grassesBellarine & Surf Coastview on map
9Barwon River Estuary – A Journey Through the LandscapeBarwon Coast Committee of ManagementCommunityWill engage and strengthen understanding on cultural and environmental values and impacts in the Lower Barwon EstuaryBellarine & Surf Coastview on map
10Lovers Walk WeedingBellarine Catchment NetworkBiodiversityWeeding along the west of Lovers WalkBellarine & Surf Coastview on map
11Lower Barwon Wetlands – Flows Study Update for Reedy Lake & Hospital SwampsCorangamite Catchment Management AuthorityWaterUpdating the 2012 water regime recommendations for Reedy Lake & Hospital Swamps with the benefit of more recent data, including a completed Water Salt Balance ModelBellarine & Surf Coastview on map
12Barwon Through Geelong Instream Hazard Removal ProgramCorangamite Catchment Management AuthorityWaterA coordinated hazard removal program is required in partnership with Victoria Police to remove the 27 cars, 1 speed boat and 1 shipping container recently mapped in the Barwon Through Geelong.Geelong Cityview on map
13BioLinks for Brush Tail PhascogaleParks VictoriaBiodiversityBiolinks for Brush Tail Phascogales will target the Rowsley / Parwan Creek area, from the Brisbane Ranges National Park through to the Werribee Gorge State Park (Ingliston Block), enhancing and establishing habitat for Brush-tailed Phascogales to traverse through.Northern Uplandsview on map
14West Moorabool Waterway Protection and EnhancementCentral Highlands WaterWaterThe project establishes buffers to waterways that provide environmental, social and economic values to our community. Northern Uplandsview on map
15Central Highlands Water Revegetation OpportunitiesCentral Highlands WaterBiodiversityPotential Revegetation Project sites

Northern Uplandsview on map
16Buninyong BiolinkDepartment of Energy, Environment and Climate ActionBiodiversityReconnecting the Wombat and Enfield forests and improving ecological values and resilience to climate change and wildfire.Northern Uplandsview on map
17Central Highlands – Restoration and protection of biodiversity.Department of Energy, Environment and Climate ActionBiodiversityProtection of priority reserves from pest animals and weeds that impact on vulnerable vegetation and threatened species.Northern Uplandsview on map
18Connecting the Dots – Buloke ProtectionDepartment of Energy, Environment and Climate ActionBiodiversityEngage with landholders and provide incentives to improve knowledge and map and protect remnant stands of Bulokes.Northern Uplandsview on map
19River Enhancement – Upper MooraboolCorangamite Catchment Management AuthorityWater
Partnership with Barwon Water to remove willows, hawthorn and revegetate along waterway from Bolwarrah Weir to State Park.Northern Uplandsview on map
20Coastal Woody Weed and Habitat ControlDepartment of Energy, Environment and Climate ActionBiodiversityThis project aims to halt the degradation of high value habitat across the Otway Ranges focusing on the 2km wide strip of coastline. This includes the iconic Anglesea Heath and coastal cliff tops of Port Campbell and Cape Otway.Otway Coastview on map
21Connecting Otways Country- Feasibility study for reintroduction of New Holland Mouse to the OtwaysCorangamite Catchment Management AuthorityBiodiversityDesktop studies and ground truthing will identify suitable habitat for Pookila throughout the Otways and provide guidance to land managers of threatening processing and works required for habitat protection and improvement.Otway Coastview on map
22Stony Rises WetlandsCorangamite Catchment Management AuthorityWaterA wetland tender program that targets wetlands listed as ‘Wetlands of National Importance’ within the Stony Rises.Western District Lakesview on map
23Stony LakesCorangamite Catchment Management AuthorityBiodiversityProtecting stoney rise habitats of Corangamite Water Skink, Growling Grass Frog, Fat-tailed Dunnart and threatened plant speciesWestern District Lakesview on map
24Wandering for the Plains-wandererCorangamite Catchment Management AuthorityBiodiversitySupport on-ground monitoring work and habitat protection across the Victorian Volcanic Plains targeted at the Plains-wanderer. Basalt PlainsLink to full description
25Linear Reserves Weed ControlCorangamite Catchment Management AuthorityBiodiversityContinue weed control along linear reserves to protect critically endangered GEW and NTG of the Victorian Volcanic Plains on roadsides, rail reserves and cemeteries.Basalt PlainsLink to full description
26Barwon River Loop TrailCity of Greater GeelongWaterDevelopment of a shared trail linking existing trails in Mt Brandon area on south side of Barwon River with northern trails in the Papermill area including a pedestrian bridge across the Barwon River adjacent to the Geelong Ring RoadGeelong Citylink to map
27Moorabool River Reserve (Golden Plains Shire)Golden Plains ShireWater
Implement the Golden Plains Shire Moorabool River Reserve Masterplan establishing new seating, picnic and nature based play facilities consistent with natural floodplain and Wadawurrung values.Geelong Citylink to map
28Sheepwash BoardwalkParks VictoriaWater
Boardwalk and fishing platforms along the mangrove dominated southern bank of the Barwon River on the north-western edge of Barwon Heads township.Bellarine and Surf Coastlink to map
29Implementation of Barwon Coast Caravan and Camping Park Masterplan at Bukareeyoo (Ocean Grove Spit)Barwon Coast Committee of ManagementWater
Support renewal of visitor and camping infrastructure including connecting public toilet blocks to reticulated sewerage to ensure protection of cultual and environmenta values of the area and water quality of the Barwon RiverBellarine and Surf Coastlink to map
30Waurn Ponds Creek trail connection to Barwon River Trails and re-vegetationCity of Greater GeelongWater
Extend the Waurn Ponds Creek shared path through the South Barwon Reserve to link to the Barwon River Trail at Gundog Lane. Re-establish native riparian vegetation along river corridor including Deakin University managed landGeelong Citylink to map
31Gundog Lane Barwon River AccessCity of Greater GeelongWater
Extend the Waurn Ponds Creek shared path through the South Barwon Reserve to link to the Barwon River Trail at Gundog Lane. Re-establish native riparian vegetation along river corridor including Deakin University managed landGeelong Citylink to map
32Porronggitj KarrongBarwon WaterWater
A partnership with Wadawurrung Traditional Owner Aboriginal Corporation to develop the Porronggitj Karong site into a publicly accessible, shared community space, fostering connections with the Barwon River and broader CountryGeelong Citylink to map

The following map outlines the Landscape Systems of the Corangamite region.

Corangamite Landscape Systems map

The following tabs provide access to where project proposals can be viewed spatially by prospective investors.

Whole of Region

The following link provides the user with a spatial view of prospective projects for the entire Corangamite Region