Water Priority Directions

The following priority directions have been developed to deliver the 6 year outcomes identified for the Water Theme. They were developed through community consultation across the the nine Landscape Systems and will provide the basis for localised action. Landscape specific priority directions can be found here.

Priority DirectionLeadCollaborators
Develop and implement a monitoring and evaluation framework that enables timely adaptive management and decision making. The framework will allow for:
1) accessible monitoring frameworks and repository of the region’s NRM resource data
2) develop measures and assessments to determine the community’s awareness of the natural values, their connection to these and their willingness to protect, enhance, and restore these
3) reporting to the community on implementation progress.
CCMACPA Partners
Catchment partners and the community collaborate to deliver a coordinated approach to water management with clear roles and responsibilities communicatedCCMAWater Authorities, Local Govt, DELWP, Southern Rural Water
Explore and implement cost effective water efficiency measures including demand reduction initiatives and alternative water sources by implementing the following plans and strategies:
1) Urban Water Strategies for town water supply systems operated by Barwon Water, Central Highlands Water and Wannon Water;
2) priority projects identified by the Barwon, Central Highlands and Great South Coast Integrated Water Management Forums; and,
3) relevant actions from the 2022 Central and Gippsland Sustainable Water Strategy
Water AuthoritiesCCMA, Local Govt, DELWP, Southern Rural Water
Develop enduring partnerships with WTOAC and EMAC to enable joint decisions on:
1) all seasonal watering proposals related to current environmental water entitlements
2) environmental flow recommendations
3) priority areas for riparian vegetation protection and enhancement
4) enhancement of waterway amenity
5) waterway cultural education and tourism opportunities
6) other water related business opportunities for Traditional Owners
7) water planning
8) changes to water allocations
1) to 7)
DELWP, WTOAC, EMAC, Water Authorities, Local Govt.
Deliver waterway health programs identified in the Corangamite Waterway Strategy using an integrated catchment management approachCCMADELWP, CPA Partners
Landuse planning, decisions to take into account the potential impact of proposals on the natural function of floodplains, waterways and the riparian zone.Local GovtCCMA
Works on waterways, floodplain management and water management decisions to take into account the potential impact of proposals on the natural function of floodplains, waterways and the riparian zone.CCMALocal Govt
Protect and enhance areas of riparian vegetation along priority waterways as defined in the Corangamite Waterway Strategy including fencing to reduce the impact of livestock.CCMALocal Govt, Landcare
By end of 2024, renew the Corangamite Waterway StrategyCCMACPA Partners
Encourage developers to implement water sensitive urban design and integrated water management principles and require developers to protect native vegetation, cultural heritage and floodplain function.Local GovtCCMA, DELWP
Ensure the impact of groundwater extraction on Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems (GDEs) is monitored, assessed and taken into account in decisions on applications for new or transfers of groundwater entitlements.SRWCCMA, DELWP
Implement the Corangamite Regional Floodplain Management Strategy with specific focus on:
1) reducing existing flood risks, avoiding future flood risks and managing residual flood risks;
2) influencing strategic planning processes and outcomes during the early phase of state and regionally significant developments; and,
3) retaining the ecological function of riverine and estuarine floodplains